By Clauderlys Valdez
March 12, 2019
Jobs of the future will be dominated by technology, but we also must equally value all of the other types of occupations that we will still need. We must not only train residents of Queens for jobs of the future, but also the jobs of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Carpenters, firemen, police, hospital workers, accountants, lawyers, repairmen, drivers, nannies, chefs, and janitors will all be needed tomorrow as much as they are today. We need to plan for the future of work and jobs, and we need a Queens-wide effort to respond to changes in the manner in which we work, in a way that protects and honors the role of workers and the tasks they perform. Job retraining programs are crucial, as we adapt to the ever-changing economy. Dao has deepened relationships between corporate units and employers to create workforce programs that respond to the needs of a changing economy by making life‑long learning programs available to everyone. We must do the same in Queens. Dao is skilled at implementing the kind of forward‑thinking ideas that are on such short display today and which would be key assets as the next City Council. It is unfortunate that the City and Amazon could not reach a reasonable deal with to bring up to 40,000 jobs to Queens. Although there are valid concerns that New York had not gotten enough under the proposed deal, Dao Yin is in favor of gathering support for a better deal. Dao Yin will negotiate with other companies that want to bring jobs to Queens and help everyone in Queens prosper. Under the right circumstances, and a properly negotiated deal, billions of additional tax revenues could be achieved, along with tens of thousands of new jobs. Dao Yin is determined to work on bringing new jobs to Queens by working with its communities and businesses alike, and showing its residents how they would benefit from new middle-class jobs in Queens. We should promote and create jobs for Queens residents that will sustain a high standard of living in the future and procure services and goods from the borough’s thousands of small businesses, rather than relying on multi-national corporations.