Dao 소개

중국에서 태어나고 자란 Dao Yin은 미국으로 이주한 1 세대 이민자입니다. 1998 년 처음 미국으로 이주했을 때 그는 즉시 Queens를 집으로 선택했습니다. Dao Yin은 거의 20 년 동안 Queens에서 지역 사회 활동가였습니다. 커뮤니티 리더로서 그는 지역 및 온라인 기반 사업체를 설립하고 Queens의 친구와 이웃에게 일자리를 제공하기 위해 지칠 줄 모르는 일을 해왔습니다. 2005 년부터 Dao는 미국 상하이 협회의 사무 총장을 역임했으며 2018 년부터는 Queens Residents and Voters Coalition의 부회장을 역임했습니다.
DAO 정보


우리 교회의 모든 회원은 부름을 받았습니다. 사랑과 믿음을 가져오고, 치유하고, 듣고, 세상에서 의미를 찾고,이 생명의 선물에서 의미를 발견하도록 돕는 것입니다. 우리의 소명은 당신의 소명입니다. 우리는 주님과 하나입니다.
2024년 4월 17일
Meet and Greet Dao Yin for New York State Assembly District 40th
2024년 2월 27일
Press Release
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2021년 4월 24일
Se necesita innovación para mejorar nuestras escuelas.
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2021년 4월 24일
Debemos traer más empleos a Queens y planificar para el futuro.
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2021년 4월 24일
Usaré mi amplia experiencia comercial y como activista de la comunidad para traer trabajos de regreso a Queens y reconstruir esta gran ciudad.
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2021년 4월 23일
Queens se ha convertido en el epicentro del brote de coronavirus.
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2021년 4월 23일
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2021년 4월 20일
The housing crisis in New York City affects us all. Living in Queens has become far too expensive. Even housing designated as “affordable” is far out of reach from most of us. We must redefine what real affordability is. It should be based upon the real incomes of residents of Queens, not on the median income of the entire City. With an increasing population and a diminishing affordable housing supply, New York City is facing a huge crisis. Even though new housing has been built over the last two decades, it has mostly been for the upper class and the super-rich. New York City is unique in that a large portion of housing is sold to non-New-Yorkers who live here only part-time. This takes away valuable housing stock from families and seniors on a fixed income who are simply looking for adequate shelter. New construction in New York should not be a reason for families and individuals to become homeless. We need to create a balance between redevelopment and the sanctity of peoples’ homes. Conditions sh
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2021년 4월 20일
Dao Yin has been saddened by the extent of the COVID-19 outbreak in Queens, which has been the hardest-hit borough in all of New York City. In the first weeks of the coronavirus outbreak, Central Queens alone, which is full of immigrants from around the world, recorded more than 7,000 cases of COVID-19. The so-called “experts” have talked about social distancing, which is a sound measure. However, social distancing is often impractical for many residents of Queens. Restaurant workers, janitors, day laborers, construction workers, grocery store employees, truck drivers, and police officers do not have the luxury of working from home. Queens is full of working-class neighborhoods that are underserved by hospitals and have a lack of fresh, healthy food, thus leaving our residents with preexisting medical conditions that make them particularly vulnerable. In addition, many of our residents live in apartments packed with multiple family members and roommates, thus allowing for quick transmission of this dangerous disease. As the Elmhurst Hospital Center and other hospitals around the borough have become overwhelmed and the focus of the national news media, it is increasingly clear that our political class failed us in allowing many of our local hospitals to close in recent years. The discrimination that we have seen against Asian-Americans following the coronavirus outbreak is also troubling. Dao will fight for the resources that all residents of Queens need during these difficult times. Not only do we need medical resources and well-paying jobs, but also, we need to educate our citizens on how to be safe, healthy, and be prepared for the next health crisis that will arrive in the years ahead. Our campaign has been working to help local businesses and Queens residents get the help they need during this unprecedented crisis. Dao recognizes the vitality of small businesses to the health of our borough and has compiled a list of resources currently available to help you recover from the economic backlash of the pandemic. Please find attached the campaign’s list of COVID-19 Business Assistance and Relief Programs
작성자: Clauderlys Valdez 2019년 3월 12일
I will use my extensive business experience and as a community activist to bring jobs back to Queens and rebuild this great City. I am also the only candidate focusing on a platform of public safety. I have been deeply disturbed by the looting that we have seen across the City and our Nation over the past few months. We must keep our residents safe! We must protect our businesses! We cannot allow our City and our economy to be destroyed! We must increase the funding of the NYPD. My First Priorities as City Council are: I am the only candidate running who is championing a public safety message. I will work to unite leaders across Queens to keep our citizens safe and fight against all forms of racism. I will increase the NYPD budget and support our men and women in blue. I will work to keep Queens safe. Rather than focus on ill-conceived “reforms,” I will focus on protecting the lives and property of our residents. I would hold monthly Town Hall meetings. Our current leadership love to talk from a soapbox, but never listens to their constituents. I will invite all the community leaders and activists from Queens and listen to their plans, ideas and opinions and work with them to make actionable ones a reality. I will work to unite leaders across Queens to keep our citizens safe and fight against all forms of racism. As an Asian-American and a businessman, I also know the struggles that small business owners face, especially given the ongoing health crisis. I will fight to ensure they get the resources they need to recover from this crisis. Public Safety Platform: Looting and the Police I support our men and women in our police force. I am the only candidate on this stage focusing on a public safety message. I am surprised by the fact that most of our elected officials want to cut the NYPD budget. I am appalled by the fact that people think they can attack our police officers without consequences. We cannot allow thieves, gangsters, and criminals to abuse our open, democratic society. The looting demonstrates that we need more police officers on the street. Thus, we should increase the funding given to the NYPD. Peaceful protests are obviously justified in the face of racism and police brutality. If I am elected, I will collaborate with community leaders throughout Queens to promote trust and respect and ensure we can all live peacefully together. The After Effect of the Tragedy in Minnesota: As an Asian-American, this issue is personal to me because of the increasing discrimination and injustices we see against all minorities. The root cause of this tragedy is discrimination. I am the only candidate running on a law-and-order platform. I support proper police enforcement. One reason the legitimate protests have been overtaken by looters and violence is because people have been on house confinement for past five months. It’s time to open up the economy, protect the vulnerable, and get everyone else back to work! Queens is the most diverse county in the nation, and all protests must be peaceful to be productive! We need new, creative leadership to unite us. I'm Dao Yin and i will work to bring Queens and this City together.

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